What is Security?

What is security? It is a fundamental concept pertaining to every possible sense of well-being including physical and also financial. From a psychological standpoint, philosophy is a mainstay of mankind’s continued evolution. As such, the need for safety has manifested countless defensive industries intent on protecting people from harm. This overview explores the nature of this concept in the modern world.

Concepts of Security

Regardless of the specific realm, most approaches revolve around identifying potential risks. Any scenario that could incur a net loss can be considered a risk, and this status is elevated to threat once it becomes actionable. An action that is taken to stop a threat is known as a countermeasure.

Meanwhile, most systems seek to provide assurance, which is the promise of normal functionality and successful protection. The guarantee can be compromised by the presence of a vulnerability. If this kind of weakness arises through a threat, then it can be called an exploit. To eliminate vulnerabilities and threats, it is always smart to implement defense in depth. This refers to the use of multiple safety measures at all times!

Physical Security

In its original incarnation, it purely pertained to the physical safety of bodies and belongings. It can refer to individuals and collectives, but there is always a notion of preemptive protection. Here are today’s most common arenas for in-person defenses:

Home & Private Security

A lot of companies offer complete home security protection kits with 24-hour monitoring, alarms, and automatic emergency responses. Furthermore, personal protection can be enforced on the move with bodyguards and task forces. Many professionals in the private sector end up keeping an eye on important public figures. Human security forms the backbone of Homeland Security, which encompasses the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Secret Service.

Commerce & Infrastructure Security

Most public institutions need protection on a regular basis. As such, guards are common fixtures at shopping centers, public plazas, schools, and hospitals. The pervasive threat of terrorism is partially responsible for heightened defenses in most concert and sports venues. Additionally, a large congregation of officers in the field ends up safeguarding correctional facilities and prisons.

Airport & Aviation Security

In today’s post-9/11 world, the airline industry is still extremely cautious. Protections are extensively applied all over airports and is present well before fliers reach their concord. The defense extends to the sky too. Hijackers are warded off by rigorous screening protocols and background checks. Cockpit integrity is becoming increasingly important, and radar navigation systems need all the defensive assistance they can acquire. Workers in this field better are prepared to investigate tons of luggage!

Supply Chain

The ports are an overlooked aspect of society’s safety, but they can be a crucial ground for security operations. Terrorist attacks on trade supply chains are a looming threat, and an exploited vulnerability here would negatively impact the entire country. Officers in the shipping industry must watch out for biological warfare, bombs, and invaders. It is a high-risk environment with foreign workers coming in and out every single day.

Technological Security

In the 21st century, humanity’s concept has expanded into new territories. The Web is at the forefront of this evolution, and the Internet’s integral role in daily life makes its protection critical. There are many pieces involved in cybersecurity, and they are analyzed below.

Computer Security

Viruses and hackers are a constant threat to the integrity of computer systems. Hardware needs to be protected above all else. It seems like an easy feat upfront, but it can be grueling to stave off the number of potential intruders that are out there. Problems can come through a variety of outlets, and it is up to workers to figure out solutions fast.

Network & Data Security

The main source of threats happens to be an online network. Classified materials can be stored online, so encryptions are a key part of the defensive process. Hackers are always trying to gain access to information that is off-limits. Companies can be compromised by unsolicited leaks. On top of those vulnerabilities, Denial of Service attacks are becoming more common, and a team of astute cybersecurity professionals will be needed to prevent downtime and restore functionality.

Monetary Security

Banking is primarily conducted online, and funds need to be kept safe more than anything else on the Internet. If the threat targets individual consumers, it is considered financial security; however, when an entire market is endangered, the proper term is “economic security” instead. This realm takes encryption to the next level, and it is a top outlet to showcase defense in depth. Society would collapse if the digital storage of funds malfunctioned. Anarchy would ensue if major financial institutions were drained via hackers. By preventing this from happening, digital workers are halting a descent into chaos.

Perceived Security & Actual Security

It is important to differentiate between feeling secure and being secure. Surprisingly, these states are two completely different things. Many consumers are simply looking for the psychological comfort of perceived security. Home defense systems often go over the top to provide a sense of safety that is way more than necessary. On the other hand, actual security mandates real threats before it is even needed. Once the danger is imminent, perceived security no longer works as a mental placebo, and it turns into actual security.

Entering the Field

This lucrative industry has diverse occupations available. With the right degree on hand, it is possible to land a rewarding career that pays to keep others safe. Online colleges have made this kind of education particularly attainable for the masses. Many master’s degree programs emphasize Homeland Security, and cybersecurity is becoming incredibly popular as well. Each degree will open different doors to exciting new jobs, adventures, and experiences!
